Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Open Eyes

I grew up in a small city in Indiana, and now attend college at Northern Kentucky University. I have never been to a big city except when I would go to Cincinnati Reds games.

So, needless to say, I have been living in my own small town world. Outside the news and media I had no idea of the world and opinions. I had been completely led to believe that outside my little area of the world, there is nothing besides anti-God pro-abortion mania.

When I found this internship I was very excited and uplifted because I was starting to see that the cause extended beyond my little town.

I can’t describe the feeling, when i finally arrived in New York, to see people my age from not only around the country, but from around the world.

My small town veil was finally removed, and I saw that pro-life has a face. It’s young, energetic, and ready to do battle.

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