Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Miracles happen everyday

This week a family came in with nowhere else to turn, pregnant and scared, with no jobs and no way to feed another mouth. They came in feeling that there was no other way than aborting their baby. We talked to them for a while and took them to the sonogram room for their free sonogram, to see what baby feels about this situation.

I saw the greatest miracle I have seen here to date. The counselor asked if she could pray over the baby, then asked mom to place her hands over her abdomen. She did so, and continued following the counselor's directions to tell the baby to hold her hand.

In a room full of people watching the screen, one little hand reached up and touched the spot where mom's hands were rested on the outside of her womb. Baby listened to mom and did what he or she was told.

After mom saw this happen, there was no way she would abort (in her own words)!

By the end of the day they left with a job interview, a place to stay, and food for lunch. Maybe they realized that this baby, instead of being one more problem, is just what they needed to turn things around- and hopefully they realized that every baby is a blessing.

1 comment:

Heather Forcey said...

This gives me chills. I had to read it out loud to Eric because it was such a neat story! Wow!