Saturday, June 12, 2010

Little Feet

Thursday was my first day working in one of the EMC centers in the Bronx. It was a good day. We had three turnarounds, meaning three abortion minded women decided to keep their babies after we spoke with them.

One of the women I helped counsel was pregnant with her third child. Her first pregnancy she aborted then she quickly became pregnant again and now has an 8 month old. Her main reason for currently considering abortion is that she doesn't feel prepared for another baby.

Her abortion was done at Dr. Emily's in the Bronx. We asked her if they explained anything about the risks and complications of having an abortion. We then showed her the movie "Choice Blues" which shows real life footage of abortions. She had to fight back tears and keept saying in Spanish, "the feet, the feet my God the feet."

After the movie we asked her again about her experience with Dr. Emily's. She said they never told her that her baby had feet and hands. We shared with her some of the developmental milestones of fetal development and pointed out that as early as 4 weeks the baby also has a heartbeat. We scheduled her for an ultrasound next week so that she can hear the heartbeat and see her baby.

This whole experience reminded me of what Fr. Frank Pavone says. "America will not get rid of abortion until they see abortion."

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