Saturday, June 26, 2010

My first impression.

I am Leticia, I have just arrived three days ago to the life-house as an intern. I am 19 years old and I come from Spain.
This first three days were very shocking for me. I have heard testimonies from pregnant women that I thought they could never be posible. I am going to be here for 5 weeks and I expect to be useful and help this women in such so difficult decision and make them choose the right one.

1 comment:

Iñigo Navarro-Rubio said...

Way to go Leti! I hope everything is going great! I can still remember all the great times that I had with Jose and Sofia last year. Im sure you will enjoy your stay in the life house =) Have you met Liz yet? She is adorable isnt she? Tell Chris I said hi and take care!