Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Powerful Reactions

Today at the Bronx Center we set up a table outside with a DVD of abortion images and information about fetal development, our centers, and how abortion hurts women.

Most people walked by without a glance, or with only a quick look. However, those who stopped and talked to us had powerful reactions to what we were showing.

One woman who had had an abortion at age fourteen stopped and offered encouragement. She said "women need to know this!" Another strong woman had been raped for all of her five pregnancies and her children were obviously, literally, her pride and joy. Their names were tattooed on her arms. They offered her some living redemption in horrible situations. She told us that she wished we could be on every street corner in the world with our message.

I talked to one woman who was "personally opposed" but wouldn't impose her beliefs on others. We had a good conversation for a while and she was very easy to talk to. Her mind may not have been changed, but we both gained some food for thought.

One of the most touching reactions was from a man in a car who had stopped in the street to watch our DVD. He was looking at it and looked deep at me, nodded, and drove off.

I feel like this table-ing today made a huge difference. We reached so many people on the street today, and they will tell their friends. The truth is spreading with fervor. Pray for the continued success of this message of truth. Pray for the women here; their decisions stand between life and death.

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