Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why I'm here.

I arrived to Life House on Sunday, which irronically was the anniversary of D-Day. Though with more realization and acceptence of the total control God has over the world He created, I believe less in irony and more in divine providence. D-Day is significant to me because I have many family members who fought in WWII. When I think of WWII, I instantly think of the Holocaust. As I traveled from my home to Life House, I thought of all my family members who are military vets or currently in the military, and how every last one of them considers today's American Holocaust through abortion worse than any genocide this planet has ever faced, with over 50 million legal abortions that have occured since Roe v. Wade. Sunday was also Corpus Christi, which again, I know is Divine Providence. Again on the family military vet theme, I thought of how each and everyone of them saw Jesus Christ as their head captain Whose will trumpts any general's command by no comparison. I am so blessed to have such a supportive family in my faith and pro-life activities.

Sometimes when we learn about our world's horrific history, we think "Where were my relations when the Jews were being killed in concentration camps, or African Americans lynched in America? or Native Americans diseased and slaughtered" or any other social injustice . . . were they fighting against it, did they take part in it, were they silent? We all pray the day will come when abortion will be abolished. When that day comes, and my decendents wonder "where was Laura when girls were walking into abortion clinics everyday by the thousands in her country?" I want the answer to be - "She was out there in the frontlines. She was a handmaid of the Lord." And that's why I'm here.

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