Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Faith and Humanity

People now have their own version of what it means to have faith. This was made apparent to me by a conversation with two men outside Dr. Emily's. The wife of one man had just gone in for an abortion and Julie had already started talking to them. I didn't know what had started the conversation but they started talking about his wife's situation in an interesting light. They had already had five kids and were living with three others through other family or adaption. His wife had a kidney condition where one was almost useless and the other was being overworked and all the specialists they went to said that it would be riskier to have a baby than an abortion. He and his bother-in-law said that they had faith in God and would not be there if it wasn't for the wife's condition.
I find many things wrong with this argument. One is that I rarely would EVER think having a baby is riskier than an abortion. Another is that we suggested to him to consult with one of our pro-life doctors before he resorted to this but refused. At one point he tried to justify his claims by giving us hypotheticals and broad statements. He wanted to know what me or Julie would do in his situation. She had her own answer but I said that it would be the hardest decision in the world but I would risk having the baby. They then resigned that all doctors are the same, only wanting money and that most priests were child molesters so being really churched didn't matter, someone only needed one's personal faith which was especially sad since these were Catholics. Without going on for pages about how wrong they are, these were good men at heart but they are a current breed of people that want to call themselves good people for putting basic faith on God and his teaching yet have lost all faith in the people he entrusted to carry out his will and help others. I don't think one can truly have faith without believing in one's fellow man. After all, how can you claim to know an invisible God when you don't believe in his visible messengers on Earth?

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