Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The past few days have been filled with prayer and petitioning for the unborn, even taking this issue to the streets to spread REAL information about what abortion really looks like. We showed a video montage in public of aborted babies, challenging people to look at abortion for what it really is. I expected a forceful blowback from pro-choicers...but boy, was I wrong!

The most common statement I heard from women was: If I knew it looked like that, I wouldn't have had my abortion.
The most common statement from men: That's abortion?!? That's murder!

People more than anything were overwhelmingly uninformed. They did not realize that a baby's hands and feet are clearly visible by 8 weeks (not to mention its heartbeat and organ function!) and that abortion causes the child to be pulled apart, limb from limb, through a vacuum as it exits the womb. They don't know that a ten-week-old fetus moves, responds to mom's touch, and can hear her as well.

Did you know there is a video showing an abortion through a sonogram....and you watch a 10 week old baby struggling with clear intent to get away from the doctor's knife? Yeah, other people didn't know that either (video called "The Silent Scream").

My heart goes out to the mothers that were told the babies were just 'lumps of tissue'. I pray for understanding, that in this search for truth that we call life, every person will see one way or another that the unborn is a whole, beautiful little person. Please pray for the unborn, for expectant mothers, and help share this information--I know that's a lot to ask, but nobody ever told me the truth would be easy.



Heather Forcey said...

That is powerful information. You are such an amazing soul to give of yourself in this way. It sounds like some amazing things are happening back east!

kcochran said...
