Thursday, June 10, 2010

Praise God for Sacramentals!

Praise God! This week went from extremely difficult to extremely rewarding!

Today was Liz's late hours day for those women who work or are in school. Because her center is open until 8pm the interns came in 2 shifts. I had the earlier shift and from 9am- 5pm we saw about 5 or 6 girls.

This morning before going to the center I was so nervous anticipating what the day would bring. But the Lord knew what was needed to give us endurance to keep running the race!

When we got to Liz's I got out my holy water from Lourdes and started blessing the place. Then Liz came to me and said, "I've got something just as special!" She pulled out sacramental salt blessed by an Augustinian priest who is very active in the healing ministry. We took it and sprinkled it over the threshold of the door then I placed some on my tongue.

Praise God for sacramentals!! Out of these 5 or 6 girls two of them had negative pregnancy test results and the others were turnarounds!! The Lord is so rewarding. After feeling broken down and defeated yesterday from attempting to love these women who were mostly abortion minded the way He loved all of us, He graced us with such goodness all day.

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