Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Before today, as a pro-life advocate living in a liberal culture, I always felt like a member of the minority. I mistakenly assumed that most Americans were either pro-choice or pro-life but unwilling to force their beliefs on others, and I felt a little bit like a radical. Earlier today, I was sidewalk counseling outside of an abortion clinic. At one point, I was told to hand out pro-life literature and engage people in a discussion about abortion. To my surprise, most of the people I talked to actually agreed with me. When I asked them how they felt about abortion, most of the people told me they believed it was wrong, and many of them said that teens need to abstain from sex. One man even went on to say that girls today have low self-esteem and that is why they wear suggestive clothing and sleep around. His statement blew me away because that is exactly how I feel. And most of the people I talked to assured me they would tell other girls not to have abortions. Today I learned a lot about myself and about my neighbors, and it inspired me with fresh hope. Hope for a tomorrow where the life of every human being, no matter his stage of development or medical condition, is legally protected.

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