Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The joyfulness of simplicity

Being caught up in the Bronx hustle and bustle has started to make me fantasize over the simple aspects of life. Sometimes it is easy to take for granted the moments in life that bring laughter and love. I wonder if some our pregnant women in need ever realize that life is easier than some realize. The media and our society seem to portray the falsity that for life to be meaningful, one needs to be busy 24/7 and the fewer the kids the better your life will be. Today on our way home from a trip that Chris took four of us internships on, we stopped at Norman Rockwell museum. The paintings that Norman created were amazing in how they captured the beauty of life and showed the beauty of people interacting together. I thought about how this is what life is about. We are supposed to help our fellow friends and strangers whenever we can. Lending your talents and skills to help another brings the upmost joy. Brining a smile out of someone is one of those simple things in life that we all need to focus on and enjoy. I wonder if the pregnant women in need ever realize these special moments in time enough to embrace them, and if they did if they would be more inclined to want to give the greatest gift of life to their un born babies. My thought is if I can show my clients how glorious life is and we can all make life simpler and enjoy it, then everything will make so much sense. I want the potential mother to think, why wouldn’t I want to give this baby a life where they can laugh, play, pray and help others get to heaven someday?

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