Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm a Billboard

I recently had the gift to be driving through Time Square with one of the Sisters of Life. We were talking about the overwhelming stimulation from all the advertisements. Then she said something that really struck me. "It's times like this that I remind myself that I am a billboard." How true that is. As a consecrated religious person wearing the holy habit she really does make a statement just by her presence in the world.

These words came back to me as I began my work with EMC as a sidewalk counselor at Dr. Emily's, a prominent abortion clinic in the Bronx. We try to reach out and talk to every person who enters there. However, just by our presence there, we make a statement. Even if they try to drown out our offers of help or free services with their ipods or cell phones, it is hard to ignore the presence of another human being. So whether they want to or not, our presence forces them to think, even for only a second, that there is someone who thinks what I am doing is wrong. Naturally, the presence of a police officer should also be unsettling. Sadly, often this might not be enough to change their minds but who knows the impact that may have on them in the future as they inevitably come to regret their decision.

So people may ask why bother? Why stand on the hot side walk hour after hour? What is the use? It's a losing battle etc. But even though the challenge is daunting, our persistant presence is a testimony that what happens in this place is wrong, seriously wrong.

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