Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You can do it!

"I just can't handle another baby" was a line that kept being repeated by "Terra," a girl that me, mary, and Liz were counseling in the Bronx center. "Terra" is only 19 years old-a day younger than me-and already had an 18 month old daughter. She said her daughter was a handful but that she loved her immensely. And, I asked why she wouldn't love the child in her belly just as much.

We showed her a few videos. The first two were about the abortion procedures themselves, and when she saw the suction curretage method she said "Well, I think I'd rather do the procedure where I get a shot and push the baby out." Uh, I don't think so girl! We then showed her the "22 weeks" video based on a true story about a girl getting the shot. After seeing the complications the girl in the video had to undergo "Terra" was shocked and scared.

We continued to counsel her and exchanged numbers. All we can do now is hope and pray she makes the right decision for herself and for her baby.

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