Friday, July 19, 2013

Today I Met a Miracle

St. Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross
    I met someone very special while sidewalk counseling at the Summit abortion clinic this morning.  Today I met a miracle and I will call her Magdalena. 
    At first I thought she had come for an abortion and I tried to give her a pamphlet but that is not why she was there that day.  Very quickly I realized that she had come for the same reason that I had come—to try to bring the love of the Lord to women who are feeling far from lovable and far from loved.  I was introduced to her by a fellow counselor and her brief story was told: she herself has suffered the pain of past abortions and you could see in her eyes and hear in her voice that she had not forgotten that pain. 
    I wanted to throw my arms around her right there I was so happy to see her.  She told me that the Lord had saved her.  I told her how glad I was that she was there—that the Lord would use her to save others as I have no doubt He will. 
    To all women who are post-abortive: you have experienced—perhaps knowingly committed—a great evil but even BEFORE you were sorry for it you were loved!  And once your sorrow became real, you opened yourself up for the Lord to work His marvels through you. 
    Post-abortive women bring something very special to the sidewalk counseling battleground: a living testament to the healing power of God.  Brokenness made whole; emptiness filled; self-hatred to overflowing love. 
    Magdalena’s efforts to love others—which began promptly after she had rested from giving birth to another little miracle, as I understand—are the beginning of a chain reaction. 
    I am reminded of the words of St. Catherine of Siena: “If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze!”
St. Mary Magdalene: Pray for us.

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