Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Is it really pro-choice?

I'm seated right now at the capitol of one of the most conservative’s state of the USA: Texas. The situation here now is pretty bustle. The government wants to pass a law whose main consequence would be closing more than half of Texas abortion facilities. For this reason, many people in the most liberal city in this state, Austin, have decided to stand up against this law.

They call themselves pro-choice, which at first shocked me a lot, because it is a term that I think fits very well our organization. It reminded me of the women who come to the office thinking that the only way out of their situation is abortion, and go out seeing that other alternatives can make them even happier. And yet here are all these women dressed in orange (pro-life color is blue) defending their power of choice.


From my time in Texas I have been talking to people on both sides. And my conclusion was that the ways of thinking in one and on the other side are so different that they don’t understand each other.

Yesterday I was just talking to a friend about this. At first, it seems that the argument of the pro-choice is the most convincing. Many of these women do not want to want an abortion, but to make the decision to abort or not. However, although they are right in the fact that we have the right to take decisions, they are wrong to say that being your own body that aborted, they own the decision to abort or not. A woman does not abort herself but aborts another person.

We were thinking about that when we saw this woman with the following banner:

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