Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I just had sex

Let's face it, nowadays when people talk about virginity we start laughing out loud. It is something overrated, something old-fashioned, who is still a virgin with 16?

Well, welcome to reality: i don't know where do you live and how is the atmosphere that surrounds you, but at least at my university (and for sure we can apply this situation to lots of campus around the world) there are plenty of people in their twenties that are not bedding every single person they meet.

Within society, the strongest people are leaders, not followers. So what if it seems like everyone else is having sex? (by the way they are not) if you want to prove that you have own ideas and that you do things because of what you actually believe and not what is imposed; you should show your leadership by making INDEPENDENT decisions. When something is hard to do and takes determination, it usually means it will have great rewards.

You are worth waiting for. At least, i like to think of myself of something worth having, if not, how can i expect the others to respect me if i don't even respect myself? When someone LOVES you so much that they are willing to wait for sex it's a strong statement about just how special they think you are.

Obviously there are plenty of people some of them really good friends of mine, who think differently and we are still getting on well with each other. Because they know that my convictions are based in something that i truly believe, not in something unreal that some people cannot explain. So you earn RESPECT by standing out, not blending in. When your convictions are strong enough to endure pressure, you will gain self-respect and the respect of others.

To sum up, even if not everytime you had sexual intercourse with someone else you get infected with an sTD, there are always risks. A risk that i am not willing to pay. It's hard to appreciate good HEALTH until you're sick. But you can be sure it feels a whole lot better knowing you're not infected. Feeling healthy can positively affect your entire outlook on life.

Anyways, as i said i will always respect and be friends with people that do not share my beliefs or my ways of dealing with sexuality, but feel free to ask or discuss anything you do not understand. I will be more than delighted to explain you anything. 

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