Sunday, July 21, 2013

And this is it!

And this is it! I arrived on April the 24th and just leaving tomorrow, July 21st.

Excited about going back, but not that excited to be leaving this. It hasn´t been easy, but it hasn´t been that hard. Someone a while ago said "Don´t give me easy, give me possible". And this has taken me through. There´s no impossible to God, so if you want it , you can make it! Always with His help. As Cristina, the other intern says, "I have come to realised how great the Providence is, and How much He works and intercedes for us in this internship". And you would ask why??

There´s been Brooklyn, and the girl who wanted to abort, whose child calmed her down and made her change her mind.
There´s been Queens, and this 18 year-old couple who already had a one year-old  and after having him realised they were not ready to be parenting. Already pregnant again, another unwanted baby who after an hour became an actually loved one.
There´s been Bronx and the seventeen year-old crying just because of having considered abortion.
There´s been Emily´s and the girl who was going for the abortion but decided to take an ultrasuond with us to see her beautiful baby;

 And there´s been Miami with no house, turned into a beatiful home next to the beach with great views of the Bay and a swimming pool. There´s been Miami with no contacts turned into a lot of people willing to help however they could. There´s been Miami with no appointments, turned into five appointments per day. And there´s been Miami and this beautiful 15 year-old crying for the abortion because everything had been a mistake, turned into a beautiful baby girl who is going to be looked after by her mum´s whole family! They all already adore her!!

So let´s  Thank God for all the things that He does through us,  for people like Chris Slattery, who are brave enough to step out of everyone´s usual life, from comfort, from a "normal" life happily lived with your family. Let´s give Him thanks for this man who has offered his whole life for the sake of all the unborn babies, and thank Chris for the opportunities that he´s bringing to all of us.

And that´s it! That´s the end of my internship in the States, but surely not the end of my prolife work.

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