Thursday, July 11, 2013


Yesterday, I was at our South Bronx Center when a 23 years old woman came in. She lives with her boyfriend and his family. She had a difficult childhood. Her mother died when she was 8 and her stepmother doesn't get on well with her.
She didn't want to keep the baby because of her situation and also because she wants a better future than she thinks she will be able to give her baby.
We explained to her the possibilities of adoption. I think it's not easy for a mother to give her child to others but it's a way to give them the opportunity of growing up in a nice family. There's a lot of people that can't have children and they are excited to have some.
Women that get pregnant should think about the baby. In all abortion cases babies are victims without defense and we should give them life's opportunities with people who are going to make them happy.

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