Saturday, June 29, 2013

What choice?

7:30 am, Dr Emily´s Clinic, the Bronx. Today, we dont only face the challenge of getting through to mothers that have decided to get an abortion. Its saturday, so we also have many "pro-choice" people and activists at both the front and the back entrances to the clinic. Whenever a woman goes into Emily´s these people escort them in and dont let us talk to them or rip the brochures that we have given them. However, even though this complicates what we do, we dont give up. We need to respect the pro-choice just as we expect to be respected by them, but we cant be outspoken by them.

This morning there were three different groups of people at the entrances of the clinic. First of all, the prolife interns. Secondly, there was a group of women who meet up on saturdays to pray the rosary together. Finally, the previously mentioned pro-choice people. Between the last group and the first two, there is a significant difference in terms of attitude. The dull or even angry faces of the pro-choice contrast with the hope and faith that is reflected on the women standing outside praying. Another difference that I would like to point out is the lack of care with which  women are treated with by these pro-choice people when they are leaving the clinic. The promises of prayers to help them, the giving out of brochures with emc pregnancy center numbers on them and the smile with which pro-life people (not necessarily us) say goodbye to the women coming outside of the clinic have got nothing to do with the lack of attention that the escorts pay to them when they leave. As I mentioned, they also deserve our respect because they have the same right to be there as we do, but I cant help but wonder if the women coming out of the clinic notice as well as I do the difference in the approach they have to them and the way we pro-lifers do things.

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