Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pro-choice? Sorry, you must be "pro abortion".

Every day thousands of abortions are performed in New York City. The abortion clinics use this fact as a business, as a mean of profit. They call themselves as health centers for women. And I wonder: What will be what they understand by health?

Health is the state in which the organic being normally performs all its functions. The human being endowed with intelligence and will, as it is unlike plants and animals, is born, grows, reproduces and dies. In ground tests to joke I said that nobody ever said anything to study. Now I think that maybe to these people no one told them that we reproduce, and therefore say that they care for women.

Caring for someone is to ensure that he is good and when someone is sad then is not right. Those women who mourn I saw, in the back door of Emily`s, nobody was taking care of them because if it were so would not be so sad.

We are there to offer our support and to give them information that can be helpful. Alongside a group of pro-choice, who are supposed to care of them, is responsible to hinder us so they don´t allowed us to speak with the woman in the street and they break them the information leaflets we provide.

I thought that choice meant election and to chose is necessary the freedom. Pro-choice please I invite you to reflect and I ask you if, as shown these are all yours actions pro-choice, "pro-abortion" must be  the best denomination for you, as this is all they stand for.

I do not understand how these people can sleep at night.

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