Saturday, June 29, 2013

Holocaust museum

I know the word Holocaust is harsh. It takes us back to a time that nobody wants to remember, but we are not aware that a new holocaust is taking place today.

 During our trip to Washington DC we had the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum and to compare and contrast the information that we learned there with the current situation going on in abortion clinics.
 This new "extermination" in which, again, allies and accomplices play a very important part, is the biggest threat that the World is going through right now and yet it is barely discussed or talked about on the news. Why is that? Why are we so aware of what happened so many years ago but are afraid to defend something equally despicable that is happening right now as you read this blog?

When we see movies about the Holocaust or read books on the topic we always ask ourselves why nobody did anything to stop it, and we brag about how much society has changed since then and how everybodys rights are listened to and respected nowadays. However, this is far from the truth.
Just like during World War II, what is much needed right now is ACTION. We cant go through life like passengers on a bus, who just observe through the window and dont participate in what is going on around them. We need to be the voice that unborn babies dont have yet.

Dont be fooled by the lack of information that we receive about abortion. Our goal is to make people as aware of the tragedy of the extermination of "unwanted" babies as they are of the extermination of Jews during the Nazi period.

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