Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Listen is defined as paying attention to what you hear. There are a variety of stories, as many as people flock to the offices. Every person is different with their circumstances.

The first world in which I had the opportunity to delve was that of a girl, who like many, came to the office overwhelmed with her possible pregnancy. She wanted, if that were so, finish the pregnancy. This is a fine way of saying abortion. So, according to her wishes, before do the pregnancy test, I showed her a video explaining the procedure. She could not look. I understood her. If you can not watch it because you find something unpleasant, because it is not desirable. However, we all admire and contemplate the beauty of nature, works of art... I could look, I wanted to look into his eyes. They demonstrated that she is a beautiful person, because the eyes allow us to see inside. As it was I could not avoid to look, just as I could not avoid inform of that what could change your life. She deserves better.

We decided to put the video explaining human development after confirming her pregnancy. She was amazed, my baby recognize my voice, has hands, has feet and other things that humans have or do because it is a human being with the same rights as you, among which is the right to life. . Completely unaware that, that lack of information may have led her to make a decision that would change his life.

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