Friday, June 28, 2013


Most of the teenagers that come to the centers asking for an abortion come with one or two friends. An abortion is something that frignthens them and they need a friend to be near them. but these friends encourage them to have the abortion, they don't normally encourage them to keep the baby. However Jane came with a friend that really loved her, Kate. When Jane told Kate that she was pregnant and that she wanted to abort, Kate asked her to visit an EMC Center before.
Kate had known about EMC some weeks ago when she was in the same siyuation as Jane. Kate arrived to an EMC Center because she saw an advertisement in the train and she thought it was an abortion clinic. She changed her mind when she was told about the procedures and she saw a picture of a 9 weeks baby.
As every good friend should do, she wanted her friend to see the same she had seen. And this was how Kate save her friend's son's life, because Jane changed her mind after she had visited the EMC Center.

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