Friday, August 12, 2011

One day at Emily's

Today I've been at Dr. Emily's abortion center. I went with another two interns of the Bronx's Lifehouse at 7.30 pm. We think that today would be a normal day and that we would't have too much work to do trying to counseling women. We thought that we will get bored. But it has not been like that.

We have work hard and we have talk with many women who went to the Dr. Emily's abortion center. Five of them went to our van to have sonograms and, after had a counseling with them, all of them has decided to keep their babies. The girls were very grateful to us, and they said that we were doing a good work.

We also give some pamphlets to other women of the neighborhood and answer some questions that people ask us on the street.

It seems that today is much better day that we thought at early morning...

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