Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Abortion in Spain (Part I)

In Spain the Abortion Law has just changed.
The last Law that was released in 1985 allows the abortion in just three cases:

-In case of rape in the first 12 weeks
-In case of danger for the mother, without limit of weeks.
-In case that the fetus has a serious sickness into the first 22 weeks of pregnancy.

This was a little different than here in US, but since 2010 the new law is much worse:

-Free abortion for girls older than 16 until 14 weeks of pregnancy
-Abortion until 22 weeks if there is a lethal sickness for the baby
- Like the last law, you can abort if there is any huge risk for the mother
-With 16 years you can abort with the consent of your parents, but if you are scared about what they can say, you can abort without saying anything
-The Law allows the professionals make conscientious objection.

This is our sad law in Spain, and we have to continue fighting against it after this internship.

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