Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Living NY!

This week has been one of the best in the whole summer!! I have been working in Queens office. Every day has been different. On Monday, came 5 o 6 women, and was exciting being part of their mind changes. Every of each at the first few time wanted to have and abortion, but we tried through the counseling changing their minds.Most of them didn't know or didn't belief on the complications and risks that an abortion can carry on. Fortunely, all of them accepted coming back again, and continue with the pregnancy.

In the evening we met with Chris Slattery and we went to the Circus de Solei. It is one of the best circus in the world!!

On Tuesday I also went to Queens, there wasn't so many girls, and it was a hard work, but we tried to do our best. This women need our support.In evening we went to the Citi Field, Mets vs Marlins!!! Marlins won!!

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