Sunday, August 7, 2011

9 months

1st month: the embryo is a hundred times bigger. It measures 5mm.The intestines and extremities start to grow and the little heart starts beating.
2nd month: mainly development of the nervous system, head and brain. The embryo measures 3 cm and has all the caracteristics of a human adult.
3d month: all organs are already developed and from this point the fetus only has to perfeccionate. Now it measures 9 cm.
4 month: the hair starts growing on the head and body. The facial characteristics are more defined. The heart beats two times faster than an adult heart.
5 month: the fetus get in contact with the outside world. Is in this month when the mother feels the her baby hitting and moving. The lungs are already developed.
6 month: the fetus measures 30 cm and weights 1 kg. In this month he moves a lot and his muscles are developing.
7 month: the conexions between the different nervous centers are established and due to this fact the movements of the fetus are more coherent.
8 month: in this month the fetus get prettier. Most of his organs are working already.
9 month: the baby gets ready, gains weight and strength in order to get out.

After this, who cans says that abortion is not killing a human person?

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