Sunday, August 7, 2011

No Baby Left Behind

The beautiful thing about being pro-life is that we have no limits, no preferences, and no conditions. We don't just work to save some babies, help certain women or target parictular areas. Basically, where babies are dying from abortion, we try to be there to save them. New York City is the perfect example of the universality of truly pro-life work. We see many different kind of race, language, economic situation and colorful background. The only reason we wouldn't see someone is because they don't come to us or we aren't able to reach them.
Some "pro-lifers" will profess their creed of life but insert certain exceptions at the end, like "in cases of rape and incest", or "capital punishment", or "voluntary euthanasia". Being truly pro-life is as simple as it sounds. We are for life in every time and place because we believe it is the most fundamental good a person should have and is entitled to. There is no way we could value the life of one child more than another. So, every single child we can save is an incredible joy.

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