Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thank You's

One of the best ways to know how good or effective your work is by gauging the response of the people you are working with. We all need some encouragement and affirmation that we're on the right track. In this line of work, we sometimes encounter a lot more adversity or at least difficulty than support.
But, when it comes down to it, if we are ever in need of assurance that our work is indeed appreciated and effective, we need only ask one of our directors. There we will encounter a wealth of emotionally written letters of love, we'll see mothers coming back to visit, faces beaming, with their saved children (even after 12 years...), and we'll hear the stories of conversion, hope, and strength they carry in countless store.
At Linda's (where I usually am), we need only look at the walls and see all the beautiful, smiling little faces or notice the newly delivered heart-felt Thank You card sitting on her desk. They don't ask for it, they don't expect it, but they receive love and appreciation in some way or another from all the clients they've helped.
That is how we know this work is good.

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