Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happily Ever After?

Real life is not always like that. There are incredibly happy moments and sometimes things go entirely our way. But most of the time, making good decisions requires work and though it helps us, it doesn't instantly solve all our problems, it may even create new ones. When we work for good things, we get good results, but the work can be long and difficult before we see the fruits.

This is the way of many of the lives of the young women we encounter. They realize the good of keeping their child's life, but that requires a good deal of work. For some, the struggle against parents, economic situations, and emotions continues to take them on a rollercoaster for a long time. One young lady recently demonstrated that to us in a moment that was nothing short of miraculous.

She had come with a friend who was pregnant to our center. Somehow, the Director instinctively suggested she get a pregnancy test as well. The result? Positive. That was a very difficult realization, but with the help of Linda and her very convicted friend, she decided she was keeping the child. It didn't end there though. Within a couple of weeks, she found herself decending into a severe depression as she was going to be kicked out of her house and felt she had no one to turn to. She made the decision to get the abortion after all. As she was walking down the street to keep her appointment, feelingly incredibly low and alone, she suddently saw a familiar figure pass in front of her: Linda. At that moment she realized she really didn't want the abortion, but she needed help and someone be there for her. She approached Linda and within a few hours was set up with everything she needed, including people to support her.

She loved her child and wanted to make things work, but without help she could not face all the trials that lay before her. We know she will be incomparably more happy in the long run for saving a life, but there will be many other problems to get through in the process.

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