Thursday, August 26, 2010

God's Timing

Last week at Queens, I spoke with a woman who came into the center with her one year old son. She didn't know how far along she was but she wanted an abortion. I asked her what her reason was and she said that the timing wasn't perfect. She didn't feel like she was emotionally ready. After I showed her the videos explaining the abortion procedures, she agreed that abortion was wrong and that she really wasn't aware of how dangerous it was. She actually said she didn't believe in abortion but still felt she needed one.

It baffles me how many women who come into the clinic say this. That is basically being hypocritical. I explained to her that it was not about our timing but more about God's. God has a reason for everything. The fact that He decided to bless her and trust with another life should mean something to her. She told me that she never thought about it in that way but she was still skeptical about keeping her baby until she found out that she was five months pregnant!

When she found that out she said she couldn't risk doing an abortion and she honestly didn't want to. She just felt pressured with everything else that was going on around her. She actually said she felt kind of relieved that she was keeping the baby now and on top of that she was sure that her son would be more than happy to have a little brother or sister.

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