Monday, August 12, 2013

See you soon Detroit, GRACIAS a todos!!!

Four weeks; I’ve been exactly four weeks in Detroit. I remember when Nacho and Poncho picked us– Mireia and I – in Toledo. They brought us to Alicia’s house and there’s where we have been for these four weeks. It looks like it was yesterday, but if we look back we can see a lot of work, effort, some sad moments and others full of joy.

First of all, we want to thank Alicia, her husband Samuel Fermin and her daughters. Gracias por vuestra amabilidad, por vuestra generosidad y hospitalidad. Nos hemos sentido como en casa a vuestro lado. Vamos a echar de menos los toquecitos matutinos de Alicia a nuestra puerta para despertarnos por las mañanas. :)

Mr. Miller, thank you for your patience and your words. We learned tones from you and Alicia. We really had a great and new experience which will remain forever in our hearts. You all guys create a great team. God bless you.

We also want to thank Tara, Mike and her daughters. Thank you for all those dinners – we know those dishes were Tara’s; awesome cook!!! The guys (Poncho, Nacho, Berni and Iñaki) want to thank you for letting them stay with you. Mireia, Iñaki and I want to also thank you for that day with the canoes. Unforgettable! We know we need to practice back in Spain, so when we come back, we’ll race you!

We’ll remain in the US for some more weeks, and we are very excited to share with these women, couples or families in need, everything we’ve learnt in Detroit from all these people I just referred to. We loved getting to know all of you.



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