Saturday, August 17, 2013

Va' dove ti porta il cuore

“Follow your heart” is the translation for this famous novel written by Susanna Tamaro. I remember reading it when I was almost 15 and I really enjoyed it. The book basically encouraged a young girl to follow her heart. Not her heart in a passionate way as we may confuse nowadays. It inspired to follow the truth of love, to reach a goal, to show your feelings.

And this thought came to my mind because of an experience we had last week with a pregnant mother. She came to the office for a follow-up and it was during the sonogram that she started crying. At that point I remembered this novel, exactly this quoted sentence: “Unshed tears leave a deposit on your heart. Eventually they form a crust around it and paralyze it, the way mineral deposits paralyze a washing machine.” I knew that this mother needed to cry. She was following her heart and probably not only hers.

But the protagonist of this story is not Susanna Tamaro, neither a pregnant mother. What I am trying to focus on is a really minuscule heart. Such small that it can´t be observed with our limited sight. Such soft that it cannot be heard with our limited ears. Such delicate that it can stop with any lash of hatred. But such real, such valuable that makes one crying. I was there, observing the screen. It was a small black spot of the size of a bean growing by seconds, living each of those seconds and beating as a real heart that it was.

That mother was crying observing how the heart of her baby was beating. It was amazing to observe the sonogram because each beat produced the whole baby movement. And the baby was only six weeks!! There I really observed the wisdom of nature and the greatness of life. This courageous mother followed her heart, and not only hers. She kept the life she had inside her womb, following her baby´s heart.

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