Saturday, August 3, 2013

I can not say I will not return, I just want to be back

I know that my last blog was about saying goodbye to the city of Cleveland. But I had to say one more thing about it. This week has not been as busy as always. But, we can say that a baby was saved on Tuesday. We have been going to some Pregnancy Centers too, and I have to say thank you to Maggie´s Place and Bella´s Women, because they received us with love and cheesecakes and we made many good friends in those places.
Talking about friends, I would like to talk about two guys. Two men that gave us help and gave us hope. Jim and John, our whole group says THANK YOU to both of you. John has been watching us the whole time, he gave us food, he gave us gas and we even had help from him in a moving day. Jim offered us his house, his awesome basement, and we met his whole family. Hope to keep in touch, my brother would be pleased to go to Cleveland!
The main point is that I will miss the lake, I will miss you guys and you should know that I hardly ever find people like you. There is some good people out there, it is just a matter of time, I just found some of them, I just found that there is more people in the world I can trust, for sure. How can I say no if they ask me to come back?

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