Friday, August 24, 2012

Time flies

I cannot believe today was my last day working at Brooklyn's office.I have no words to describe how my experience was working in here. Such a great experience.
I have learned a lot, I met really nice people including Linda, the director of the office and from my point of view, I believe is the most hardworking and nicest person I have met in all the EMC's offices. Also Sandra one of the nurses that makes sonograms and check-ups. Sand the other nurse that comes the days that Sandra cannont come to the office. And of course for last all the girls and their partenrs I met working in here. I will always pray for them.
I am really looking forward to the day they will give birth their children. Those kids that thanks to God's help, the workers I just mentioned and Andrea the other intern that worked with me the last four weeks, we all saved.

I fulfilled my dream of coming to New York, one of the most amazing cities I have ever seen, and doing volunteering plus saving babies from scared mothers that are willing for help.

I hope come back next summer. I truly recommend this amazing experience.

I am very grateful to my parents that made this experience happened.

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