Saturday, August 25, 2012

16 and pregnant

Two days ago a very slim girl walked into the EMC Brooklyn office. She came in with to friends making fun about something. A few minutes later i realized they were laughing because one of them was pregnant.
I started talking with her.... Lets call her "pink" because of her clothes. She told me that she was pregnant and that she wanted an abortion because she was too young and that she needed it in that moment because two weekd before she told to her boyfriend that she already had an abortion.   But isnt she that young to have sex with her boyfriend???

We made the sonogram. She was 24 weeks....SIX MONTHS far... Now she cant have and abortion. When she heard that she couldnt believe it because she doesnt know anything about this and she thought this was a very easy thing to do and that she could do it in any moment. 

Obviously she is keeping the baby because theres nothing else she cand do but know she is afraid of her violent mother and a boyfriend that doesnt care as she thought.

I really wish her the best because everyone deserve it and hope she learns that everything we do has consecuences, and that for certain things we really need to be mature enough.

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