Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Days

Every morning is the beginning of another surprising day. After battling the tiredness and the laziness, you

reach the office wondering how your day is going to be, and if you will save a baby's or a mother's life.

The first thing I do is pray so the right words will come from my mouth to comfort another person. Your

baby wants to live just as much as you, and you are the only person that can protect his or her life, and

nobody's going to love you more than your baby for having brought them to this world.

Imagine your mom would have asked you the same question. What would you have said? But that is no

question for a baby, because as soon as the conception takes place, there is no other fate for that baby but

to be born.

The struggling is there, the tough moments, there are downsides to being responsible for a little one, too. But

just think of how he or she is going to look like. Am I going to have a girl or a boy? Will she have mommy's

eyes and daddy's hair? Will he have freckles, just like dad? Will he have mom's beautiful smile? And how

wonderful will it be when my baby girl or boy sasys "I love you mommy"?

There's good days like today when to desperate women come crying because they are lost and can't find the

way... Until you let them see they have the heart of a mom and all of a sudden all the worries are gone, and

only the excitement for the baby is left.

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