Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today I was at Emily's. As you already know Emily's is one of many abortion clinics that is in New York.The aim there is try to save the most babies that we can, by helping the mothers with those things that are problems to have the baby. 
Our work here is so difficult because we have only a few seconds to talk to a mother about what she is going to do with her son, what are the risks and if we could help her to resolve her problems.Anyway, in spite of the difficulty, it is very gratifying and I can say without fear of being wrong that it is one of the works you can be the most proud.
I can also say that there are a lot of days that you arrive home with the feeling that you have not done anything, because no woman has paid attention to you. But one of the important things is to make them know that we are there to help them.

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