Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Goodby That Disguises A See You Later

My time in the big city has now come to an end, I have to get back to my country, to my life. But I'm definatelly not going back to the way I was. This experience has taught me so much, I will never be able to forget what I've seen, and how blessed I've been to be able to meet all this women and touch their hearts.

I've learned a lot from my fellow interns, but especially from the directors of the centers. Carolina (Queens) and Linda (Brooklyn) have taught me how valuable every life is, and to give everything we are to those woman in need. HOW TO LOVE THEM BEYOND MEASURE.

Their example and hard work has been a life changing thing to witness, and I hope I picked up some of their talent. I've loved talking to women who needed help, and mostly helping them find the strenght that layed inside of them, so they could embrace the gift of life they had been awarded with.

I leave behind a great city, but specially great people, great friends that have made their way into my heart as well as made me into a better person, and for that I will allways be grateful.

I hope to take back home all that I've learned over this two months, all my moms for whom I'll be praying. And maybe come back in the future, to this amazing city, hopefully with less abortion thanks to this great organization.

Keep up the great work EMC!!!

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