Thursday, July 21, 2011

Playland Or Sex?

When I first walked in, it was still light out. Everything seemed so new. I had the hardest time believing I could really be in a place such as this. It was literally a dream come true. I had been waiting my whole life. I had only a vague idea of what it would be like, and my idea was so bland compared to the reality.
I started going from one to another. The thrill in my body is hard to describe. It was amazing. I never rode one more than once, there were so many to choose from. I only had a little window of opportunity.
Once it was dark it was even more fun. I could close my eyes and pretend I was being whisked away! The fireworks were amazing, they ended the night on a wonderful note.
When I got home I started thinking how similar my night was, to one my clients might have had. The difference? Mine was a night that I won’t regret. One where the choices I had to choose from were all positive. Theirs? They may regret it for the rest of their lives. Once they go down that path, the choices go from bad to worse. That is the difference.
We all have freedom of choice, but some things were never meant to be chosen.

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