Wednesday, July 20, 2011


In life, we encounter many different options, many kinds of decisions, there are also many kinds of people and ways to arrive at the same place… There are some decisions that does not matter what you decides. It does not matter if you decide that your car is red or blue. But there are other kinds of decisions that are more important and can totally alter the direction of your life in one direction or another.

In another kind of decisions, there are some that they are very easy to choose, in other words, you don’t have to choose anything because someone does it for you and you know that you will be right because you are doing just what this person has told you; and if you don’t do the right thing, is not your fault because you have done just what this person told you, this has a name and it is obedience, and sometimes is much better that do things on your own. We have to be careful whom we obey. With that I mean that if God wants you to have the baby it is because you have to have the baby and you will be fine, just because you are obeying. And it is important to say that the baby is not the property of the mother (slavery ended in America a long time ago), the baby is a person, a life and is therefore God´s.

At the end of your life, you will give an account of all the decisions you have made, and there are decisions that will make you feel more sorry and you will wish you never made; and another kind of decisions that you won’t feel anything, or proud, or whatever.

We just have to make the correct decision in our life, in order to be happy and proud of ourselves.

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