Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jerome Ave

Today is my first time at Jerome Ave, and it was great, we put up a stand with the T.V. With a video about the development of the baby during the pregnancy, and the models of the different stages of pregnancy. Those little realistic dolls catch the attention of everybody, and that's why most of the people stopped asking us, what are we doing there. Also we hand out some pamphlets about us and the life of the babies.

The fact that the stickers say "free abortion alternatives" allows us to talk with a lot of people about who are us, and that we are Pro-life.

I was very surprised about how many people are Pro-live in the Bronx, they support us and tell us what good we are doing.

I remember talking with two men:. The First one was an African American boy that came and asked us for information like everybody, but 20 minutes later, he returned and told us that he belongs to a group that fights against abortion in Ghana, and he would like to work with us.

The second one was a boy that came so excited, and he ask me about which is the size of a 3 month baby, we showed him and he told us that he has a baby that size on the way, and he looked so happy!!!

Today was a great time today at Jerome Ave!

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