Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today I saw the reactions of some who are pro-choice when you show that you are pro-life. I also have been seeing the reactions of my fellow interns at the Life House when somebody tries to have an abortion or shows that he is pro-choice.

When pro-choicers try to talk with us they shout and insult us, they treat us as ignorant and they act as if we are pro-life only to annoy people. In the other hand when somebody wants an abortions or she explains to us that she is a pro-choice I see my friends offering her the best of their smiles, they try to help them with love and respect and in some cases lots of them pray for these who are pro-choice.

As a conclusion I would say that pro-lifers are happier than those who are pro-choice, that our motivation is life as opposed to death; we should know that we are the ones with truth on our side in this movie and we'll be victorious.

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