Thursday, July 14, 2011

The evolution of the volunteers

Two days ago I went to Emily’s. At Emily’s there are a contrast of volunteers, on one hand we have prolife volunteers, and on the other hand we have pro-choice volunteers. The first ones are outside of the abortion clinic, the second ones are on the border-line of the abortion clinic. The prolifers try to convince the mothers who keep their babies, the proaborts just want us to shut up.

Pro-choice volunteers are a group of people that appeared after the decision of Roe v. Wade to keep prolifers from talking with the mothers who wanted an abortion. They used to be a group of women with feminist ideas. The ones we see at Emily’s are the same women, now they are older and fewer.

The other kinds of volunteers are the prolifers. They used to be young people who believed that inside the mother is a real human being. Nowadays the younger generation are still involved and growing.

So, in conclusion, we see that the pro-choice message is becoming older and less supported while on the other hand prolifers are still young and becoming more supported.

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