Saturday, July 16, 2011

America Past...and Present

After some time learning and reporting about the history of this country i realize similarities between the conflict of the slaves and the current conflict in abortion.

in the early 1860's when the conflict of the slaves was at its maximum splendor, the defending arguments were mainly based on two reasons: The first reason was that they said that if you do not agree with slavery you cannot impose on others your ideas of non-acceptance. The second reason was that they questioned whether a black person was a real human being.

Nowadays abortion is legalized in de USA. Pro choice adherents defend abortion with the same arguments as the ones I have mentioned above. There are differences between pro choice and pro slavery views; the seconds ones are against some fundamental rights to freedom, on the other hand pro-choice ideas are against the most fundamental right of a human being: The right to life.

Moved with the same ideals as Abraham Lincoln we shall overcome the scourge of abortion.

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