Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Difference

Yes, she was 15 and pregnant. What made this girl stick out in my mind, however was not her age. It was not her financial situation. It was her mother. Her mother brought her in, sat in the waiting room for awhile then started to complain. She asked how long we were going to take. One of the other interns told her we were probably still filling out the intake form. She stood up and said, “if it is going to take so long, I am going shopping.”
This mother left her daughter with complete strangers. She just walked out! My mom would have insisted on being in the room with me, held my hand, talked with me. But then, my mom would never have let me be in this situation.
This girl’s mother not only was not protecting her daughter, she was in effect forcing her daughter to get the abortion. She was not physically pushing her daughter onto an operating table, but we say the pressure loud and clear. She told us, “my daughter will get the abortion. She will not have this baby.” Those were her very words. She talked about how bad her life was, and seemed to have no regard for her daughter's.

Is this what America is coming to? Not only will mothers throw their unborn children away, but now their born ones as well? It just proves what we have been saying all along. There is truly no real difference between the born and the unborn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To give an update, this mother was seen bringing her daughter into Dr. Emily's today.