Friday, July 22, 2011

Don´t be Afraid

Usually, we say that the problem causing women to want to abort is that they are under pressure from their parents, boyfriend and people around them. All these people tell them that to have a baby so young is very complicated and the best thing to do is abort.

But I think that this thought is common because these days you hear it all the time: pro-choice people are talking about it being women´s rights and saying babies are not human , etc. That's why much of society thinks this way, and it's really intolerable when you know the truth.

In my opinion the real reason why this happens is that we, pro-life people, don't do enough to fight against that problem: the murdering of babies. We are very afraid to say something because people may think less of us, and we are unable to overcome that fear, so everyone says nothing. Therefore, the only ones who are being listened to are pro-choice.

That's why I think that the first step against abortion is ourselves, because if we are silent, the women who are thinking of abortion are overcome by the pressure of society. So as Pope John Paul II said: "Don´t be afraid".

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