Friday, July 15, 2011

Nobody Told Me!

It was after 4 o'clock. Normally we can't see walk-ins that late because then we can't give them the time they deserve. But we let her in to make an appointment. Next thing I knew I was giving her the basic overview of abortion. When she first came in, I felt led to ask her what she knew about abortion. She told me she didn't know anything about it. Then she shared something which broke my heart.
She has a three year old daughter. When she found out she was pregnant that time she was shocked. Her reason? "Nobody ever explained to me about the birds and the bees." This woman was having sex, as a minor, and no one had told her of the risks. Her family seems to be Pro-Life, but they did not properly educate her. I briefly discussed some of the STD's with her. She is coming back on Monday, and I can hardly wait to give this Mom the truth.

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