Friday, July 22, 2011

Woman talk, listen to them

In the following lines, dear reader, I want to ask you four a couple of minutes to read or listen what women, that have had an abortion have to tell you. I use to follow WEBA website, Woman Exploited by Aborion, an organization of women who regert having undergone induced abortion. WEBA activities focus on support, outreach and gathring anectotal data about woman who regret what they've done to their babys.
Some of the women at WEBA share their very private and painful experiences to warn other woman about the deep pain and suffering of abortion. Many of this woman have become pro-life volunteers to help other women so the wont be exploited by the people who promote and profit from abortion. Click in this link to read some of the stories they've write.

Also, if you still there, reading this post, please continue, you should listen to this video: Where Linda and Chuck from Missouri give their testymoni about the pain of abortion and how they healing, as they speak at a gathering of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

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