Friday, July 15, 2011

A Fascinating Story

This week I have been to the Queens center many times and one day I had the pleasure of meeting a woman and 4 of her 5 children. This women cames to our Queens center with her boyfriend and 4 kids, each one more cute than the one before, she was forced to abort by her boyfriend.

We gave them a lot of information about the abortion that they didn´t know. We taught them the practice of abortion, all the consecuances and the moral aspect of this decision.

After this the boyfriend, the one who forced her to do it, was regretting having forced her and he started supporting the decision she made, and her boyfriend left the center.

The woman told her story to the Sisters of Life as follows: She was sexually abused when she was just a girl by her grandfather; her father had always been a violent person, so much so, her father killed his brother with sticks. She has 5 children and she is pregnant, the two first conceived through rape, and the one she was pregnant with beacause of prostitution. She never had an abortion before and the Sisters gave her two bags of clothes and some money.

This woman was very happy.

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